
For Rui Boy (forruiboy.com) (japanabductionrui.wordpress.com) is devoted to telling the story of Louis (Rui) Prager’s abduction to Japan by his mother, Machiko Terauchi  寺内真智子 in June of 2010 as a means of fighting back against that abduction, and of letting Rui know that he is not forgotten, but is loved and cared for by his Daddy.  The blog is being created by Rui’s adoring father, Brian.

I also want to add that I keep this blog with the idea that anything posted on here is not completed work, but notes, informally shared, with a point of view as variable as any one person’s writing would be. Some of the posts are topical musing and practice, thinking critically out loud; some are emotional outbursts, attempts to express elements of the traumatic shock of having had my son abducted; and some are messages to Rui, with the deeply held hope that someday you will see how hard this has been on us both, and that you will find your way back to the father that loves you.

Rui ABOUT snapshot

More about this blog and its story, here.

8 thoughts on “About

  1. Hi there. I feel for you and your plight. My friend is now going through something like this – but she is a Polish woman in Japan. Her Japanese husband forged their divorce (and subsequently was charged 2 years in jail, one year suspended) and forged asset sign-over while she was on vacation. He is still allowed to maintain custody until the child custody trial takes place. Is there any support groups that can help her? She has been a housewife and worked in his company – but now has no way to support herself until the trial begins (could be 6-12 months). This is her story;

    Good luck to you both..


  2. Hello Brian
    Greetings from Ireland. Firstly let me say what a lovely looking boy Rui is, you must be very proud of him. Since I lost my children to Japan 3 years ago I know all to well the pain that you are going through. Stay strong in mind and body as one day Rui will need you. Thats what I always tell myself. One day Sean and Renee will need me and I cant be of any good to them if I am an emotional and physically mess. Keep up the good fight, and keep the head up too. You guys in the US have done great work.
    David Morgan


  3. My son was taken from me to Japan, I cry all the time about it because i feel so helpless. His mother changed his last name and wont let me talk to him. She was messing around and when it didnt work, I guess she selfishly decided to take my son and leave. I have a custody hearing in Jan and I am confident I will be awarded full custody, but it doesnt mean anything if I cant see my son. My prayers are out for you.


  4. I’ve been helping my brother through this horrific nightmare for the past 2 years.
    I pray that this issue gets resolved asap. We need to create awareness through as many channels as possible. Keep fighting, be strong!


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